The Mother Wound is a deep topic, heavy for some, confusing for others. I still have a hard time finding a way to communicate this to others in a way that makes sense. Because it’s so complicated....

The Mother Wound is the theory that there is a wound/burden/responsibility passed down from one generation of mothers to the next. As women, we are conditioned to think of ourselves as “less-than”, we are taught that there is shame around our successes. The Mother Wound exists on a collective and personal level; collective in the sense of the feeling of scarcity (not enough power or love for all of us) and personal by sensing the pain our own mothers carry. This pain involves comparison and not feeling good enough, shame and a feeling that something is wrong with you, feeling you must remain small in order to be loved and a sense of guilt for wanting more than you have.

This wounding is the core issue holding women and mothers back from their full potential and empowerment. Daughters may unconsciously fear rejection and worry that being their full selves may trigger her mother for not having the same privilege or opportunities as her.

Ultimately, it is not about our mothers but rather taking the pain we feel WITH our mothers to heal, looking at our relationship with our mothers and separate our own beliefs and values from hers. This allows for coming into full empowerment.

If you want to learn more on healing the Mother Wound, check out these books:

‘The Mother Principle’, ‘The Emotionally Absent Mother’, ‘Difficult Mothers, Adult Daughters’, ‘Motherless Daughters’.

I’ll be talking about this a lot more and incorporating my research into our Awakened Mother Teachings.

Stay tuned....

Jennifer Hammer