We talk a LOT about unexpected emotions that often come up in postpartum. Often, many of us are not sure how to deal with them so we hide/bury them without acknowledgement and this can lead to festering resentment or guilt. We need to learn how to recognize and acknowledge the emotions we have and work towards being okay with those uncomfortable feelings. I love how Dr. Serrallach talks about this in his new book The Postnatal Depletion Cure;

“We have emotions for a reason, and they should not be ignored or suppressed. They certainly should not be feared or hidden, particularly while the body is recovering from and reacting to the birth of a child. There is an enormous amount going on that can cause confusing or even unwelcome feelings, and there is nobody to blame for that. They will pass, with time and support - support in the home, support in the mind, and support in the heart. Emotions need to be acknowledged. Don’t be hard on yourself. For emotional beings to have strength, we need restoration and support: restoration of the body, physically and emotionally. If you’re struggling with emotions that make you uncomfortable, honour them and know that there is a path forward.”

Jennifer Hammer