Sacred Nest

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Today in our Mothers Village we talked about connecting with our intuition. Mothers intuition is not merely just folk wisdom, in fact there are some incredible stories out there of a mothers gut instinct acting in just the right time. We all possess the power of intuition and the innate knowledge as mothers. Have you ever take a vacation and all of a sudden you explode with ideas and plans for the future?

Wisdom’s definition is the “combination of knowledge, experience and good judgement (intuition)”. We live in an age of information overload and as new mothers we can feel like we are so out of our element and not in control of anything. Our expectations are often so far from our reality. So we turn to experts and look for products and techniques that will save us and tell us exactly what to do. Yet, you and your baby are unique; like no other in the world.

Connecting with your own intuition is the practice of listening to your body and thoughts = MINDFULNESS. When we feel connected with our innate knowledge, we will feel less anxious and more in control. It’s a practice of learning to distance ourselves from all the noise out there telling us what we should do, be, ect.

So what do you do? The first thing I always do is connect with my moon cycle as there is a surge in your intuition during your period. Just pay attention. Journal your dreams. Be still. Exercise the right brain by getting creative; listening to music, dancing, painting, journaling. Sit outside in nature. Lay in bed with your baby and turn off all distractions. YOU know exactly what you want to let go of. You know your baby and you know what YOU both need. YOU GOT THIS MAMA!

Photo credit: @jonathanborba